2018 3rd Co Parents - You Aced It!

Oct 16th, 2014 - by Martha McCann, Michael '13
Sponsor:Class of 2018, 3rd Co Parents

Every week alumni parents Lisa Pino (Nicholas '14) and Denise Kummer (Sean '14) take pictures, both candid and posed, of Midshipmen perusing the selection of goodies, enjoying their stacks of cookies and relaxing with friends over a cup of coffee. Unbeknownst to most of them, their pictures will appear on the Cookie Cafe website where their "stalking" parents will catch a glimpse of them, a treasured reward for contributing wonderful baked goods to Kings Point. The 3rd Company moms did a spectacular job supplying the Mids with a beautiful selection of sweets today. Over 600 Mids flooded through the doors of Land Hall.

Although most Midshipmen will pass through the Middle East at some point during their sea terms, either on a container ship or with MSC, most don't imagine finding themselves in a land locked country like Afghanistan staring at sand after attending a maritime school. Several years ago the Cookie Cafe moms were inspired to send care packages of brownies and cookies to our deployed Kings Point alumni, most of whom are in the U.S. Army. The hope was that these alums serving our country in such far-off places would welcome the respite a home-made cookie might provide and garner a smile with a memory of those "carefree" days at Kings Point. Up until now, packages have been sent to former Midshipmen who had attended the Academy prior to Cookie Cafe's existence, but the length of the Mideast conflict now has our more recent grads being sent to Afghanistan. Most likely, their moms baked and sent cookies to Cookie Cafe to be shared by all the students.

Today we sent a large box each to two graduates (that we know of) currently deployed in the Mideast, Lt. Erin Holihan, '11 and Lt. Daniel Whalen, also '11. Our message to them was that the Cookie Cafe moms, and by extension, the entire Kings Point community are grateful for their sacrifice in the service of their country. That message can be summed up by the note Ryan Torres, 3rd Co.'s mom included in a package to Ryan last week which we found when opening the CC boxes. It read, "From her heart, thru my oven, your mom sends cookies, with all her lovin!" Thank you to all the 3rd Co parents who sent their lovin' this week and for allowing us to share that love with our deployed Kings Pointers.

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